What you see is what you get. Apply quality of concentration control! Focus on what you want to achieve, and don’t allow yourself to be distracted by self-criticism, negative judgment, or over-analysis.

Example A
You have a busy week ahead of you. Generally speaking, you choose between two modes of approach:
1.) Panic. Anticipate high-stress levels, exhaustion, and many complications.
2.) Prepare. Feel confident that you will manage your time wisely, keep a positive attitude, and be successful.

Example B
You deeply desire to eat healthy food and get enough exercise. However, it seems that life is conspiring against you—free donuts at work, dinner with the folks at an Italian restaurant, and not enough hours in the day to squeeze a trip to the gym on top of everything else. Besides, you’re too pooped.
1.) Put yourself down. Feel fat, lazy, and disappointed. (Ironically, negative emotions tend to encourage junk food and sitting around.)
2.) Pick yourself up. Visualize yourself as strong, healthy, and happy. You can always create opportunities for both nutrition and exercise, and tomorrow is a new day!

Spend your self/energy wisely; what you pay attention to will become your reality. Never underestimate the creative power of thought!

Read more about the power of positive thinking: http://www.successconsciousness.com/index_000009.htm

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