Lighten Up!

Not only does sunlight stimulate vitamin D production, which is essential for health, but it boosts the immune system, maintains heart and muscle strength, and keeps you feeling happier.

If you are an average American, you spend roughly 90% of your time indoors, away from natural light. Yet a continuous dependence on artificial light can result in feelings of fatigue, gloom, change in appetite, and fitful sleep! Talk about a dim reality.

The power of light to rejuvenate the body and mind – treating everything from lethargy to “winter blahs” to multiple sclerosis – has been utilized for thousands of years. Nowadays, scientific research reveals evidence of the correlation. A study conducted right here at UCSD by Daniel Kripke demonstrates that sun rays effectively penetrate depression!

Spend about 20 minutes a day basking in the sun, with maximum skin surface area exposure and without sunscreen or shades. (By the way, most sunscreens contain a chemical called Oxybenzone, which is linked to allergies, hormone disruption, and cell damage.)

A little sun goes a long way… Brighten your day with natural rays!

Read Dr. Kripke’s enlightening tale!

The Positive Reward system is widely recognized for its effectiveness in training children and dogs. Don’t overlook the fact, however, that it also works with adults: you can encourage your own good behavior and reinforce healthy habits.

Let’s say you set a goal for exercising three days a week. Of course you reap the natural reward of good health and more energy. But why stop there? A new t-shirt, a special meal, or a massage can make your personal victory that much sweeter.

Not only does the reward system establish a positive incentive for specific behaviors, it provides an affirmation of your worth and value. You acknowledge your hard work and sincere efforts, generate good feelings, and incite growth and learning. It’s a healthy self-celebration.

From a tasty morsel, to a nice nap or a leisurely stroll…find a way to treat yourself each day. You deserve it!


The power of positive thinking is profound. When you come to a challenging situation with thoughts of love and acceptance, you will find that solutions (and assistance!) present themselves. The manner of approach you take determines where you go, and how you feel when you arrive.

In addition, with this attitude you attract like-minded individuals who will support and encourage you in your sustainable mentality. What you direct your focus and attention toward will naturally increase, for better or worse. So you’re better off thinking peacefully!

Benefits of positive thinking:
§ Increased life span
§ Lower rates of depression
§ Lower levels of distress
§ Greater resistance to the common cold
§ Better psychological and physical well-being
§ Reduced risk of death from cardiovascular disease
§ Better coping skills during hardships and times of stress

This is the happy alternative to resistance-based thinking: when your thoughts are polluted with fear, anger, resentment, guilt, or negative judgments. This essentially creates smog in your atmosphere, both internal and external. Furthermore, you may find yourself in the company of other miserable individuals. It’s a vicious cycle.

Take heart, and give love. You have nothing to lose.

Learn more about the impact of healthy thoughts!