Never underestimate the power of sleep!
In a study published by The New York Times, researcher Dr. Kahneman and colleagues found that, more than income or job security, a good night’s rest has the greatest impact on mood.

That being said, most people aren’t getting the sleep they need to feel their best—and the cell phone and/or computer may be a culprit. "Unfortunately, cell phones and computers, which make our lives more productive and enjoyable, may be abused to the point that they contribute to getting less sleep at night leaving millions of Americans functioning poorly the next day," Russell Rosenberg, the vice chairman of the National Sleep Foundation (NSF), says.

Consider this: exposure to artificial light before going to bed can increase alertness and suppress the release of melatonin, a sleep-promoting hormone. In addition, wireless network devices operate at high frequencies, which can excite, and disrupt, living tissue.

Nearly 95 percent of people questioned in an NSF study said they used some type of electronics in the hour before going to bed, and about two-thirds admitted they do not get enough sleep during the week. Give your body and mind a break by unplugging from your screens in the evening. Turn Z’s into A’s!!

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