From a nice hot shower to a jump into the ocean, water is nature's natural healer!
...And it’s no surprise, considering that the body itself is mostly water—just like the earth.
When you take the plunge, nerves carry impulses felt at the skin deeper into the body, where they work wonders: stimulating the immune system, influencing the production of stress hormones, invigorating the circulation and digestion, encouraging blood flow, and lessening pain sensitivity.
The transformational power of water is based on temperature and tempo. Heat soothes and relaxes the body, while cold stimulates and invigorates. Something as simple as a hot compress on the back of the neck can do the trick when you’re tense, and a cold face washing can snap you into it when you’re out of it. The motion of water against your skin triggers touch responses, and has a messaging effect (like jet bubbles in a hot tub, or the gentle pushing and pulling of waves).
Yet another enlightening point to consider: When you’re submerged in a bath, a pool, or the ocean, your body is relieved from the constant pull of gravity.
Take a load off!
Read more about hydrotherapy here:
...And it’s no surprise, considering that the body itself is mostly water—just like the earth.
When you take the plunge, nerves carry impulses felt at the skin deeper into the body, where they work wonders: stimulating the immune system, influencing the production of stress hormones, invigorating the circulation and digestion, encouraging blood flow, and lessening pain sensitivity.
The transformational power of water is based on temperature and tempo. Heat soothes and relaxes the body, while cold stimulates and invigorates. Something as simple as a hot compress on the back of the neck can do the trick when you’re tense, and a cold face washing can snap you into it when you’re out of it. The motion of water against your skin triggers touch responses, and has a messaging effect (like jet bubbles in a hot tub, or the gentle pushing and pulling of waves).
Yet another enlightening point to consider: When you’re submerged in a bath, a pool, or the ocean, your body is relieved from the constant pull of gravity.
Take a load off!
Read more about hydrotherapy here: